Thursday, August 27, 2015


Project: "First Love"
Duration: 1 min
Agency: DDB
Production house: Provill
Product: McDonald's
Advertiser: Golden Arches Development Corporation
Producer: Irene Chingcuangco
Director: Stephen Ngo
Colorist: Marilen Magsaysay
Editor: Louie Salvio

This is a commercial of McDonald's that is one of my favorite. It captures my attention because it is about love. McDo compare their product and service to a "first love". We all know that McDo is one of the kids favorite in terms of fast food chains. They showed in the advertisement that even though at the end of the day you will not be loyal to them, you will not forget them because they are your first love and they will continue giving those things that make you inlove to them at the first place. McDo is a really successful business because they are popular not just in the Philipines but also in other country. They make and advertisement that reall catch the audience through emotions. The story will be witty, humorous, or inspiring. It is a product advertisement that have purpose to remind. 

The technique used was transfer or emotional appeal. They catch the target audience by their emotions. The jingle or music was really good and easy to memorize and you can jive with the music. I am inspired with the commercial because it was not just about promoting the product but it has a  story behind it. McDonald's commercials are really heartwarming and you will enjoy it when you watch their advertisement. 

"Loyalty is a characteristic trait. Those who has it, gives it free of charge"  -Ellen J. Barrier

Friday, August 21, 2015

Coca-Cola "Signs of Happines

Client: Coke
Ad Agency: OgilvyOne Manila
Executive Creative Director: Mike Sicam
Associate Creative Director: Pocoy Calvento
Senior Writer: Dexter Canete
Managing Director: Isa Garcia
Senior Account Director: Wanda Pascua
Account Executive: Francis Pinon
Director: Paolo Villaluna
Production: Filmex

Every time that Coca- Cola release their advertisement it really captures the emotion of their viewers. They really attract customers through emotions. This advertisement is about women who build their businesses. Coca-Cola supports women who have business even though it is small because they build their business not just for their family but also for other people around them. Women are entrepreneurs that open happiness because in their business they not just offer their product or service but also they give everything that their customer needs and that is love, affection, care, and attention. As a woman, I like this advertisement because it shows that women are important in everyone's lives. They are not just a wife who cleans the house but they can do the things that man can do and they can give more than their job or work needs. This ad showcase the importance of every women. I really like how Coca- Cola point out what are the characteristics of being a women. It also shows that happiness is not only achieve by having money and luxurious things instead you can achieve happiness by small and simple things. 

Coca-Cola is a trademark in producing advertisement that showcase happiness and catches the emotion of viewers. They use Transfer or Emotional Appeal because they attract their customers by their desire to be happy. The story line is really good. In every advertisement of Coca-Cola you will see that they really think how the flow of their commercial persuade customers at the same time inspires them. The sounds are good and catchy. The branding are good. You will know that it is an ad of coca-Cola because most of the colors are red. It really inspires me and be proud to be a woman. 

"Be happy you deserve it!"    -Love Quotes

Thursday, August 13, 2015

"Change The World"- Hyundai Philippines

Agency: Pixeleyes Multimedia
Director: Jalz Zarate
DOP: Alma Dela Pena
Producer: Clarence Arreza
PM: Sarah Pagcaliwanagan
Post Producer: Eric Sanchez
Product: Hyundai

It is a different commercial that really heartwarming. It does not focus on the product instead it showcase the message. It inspires me to give importance in what you have. It is better to give than to receive. Appreciate the things that you see because not everyone sees it. It is a good ad because it has a complex message. The boy is such a good person because he change the message of the beggar into something that touches the heart of everyone who sees it. If you have blessings in life learn how to share it those who are needy. Don't be greedy and selfish because no one will help you in times that you are the one who needs help. The ad really teach the viewers a good manners and right conduct. 

The technique that uses by the ad is really good. They simply show the car but the real thing that they want to highlight is the slogan of Hyundai which is new thinking, new possibilities. Based on the commercial, only few people gives money to the beggar when he has a sign"Bulag ako kaunting tulong lang po" but when a boy riding in a hyundai car comes up and change the message into "Ang ganda ng araw sayang hindi ko makita" there are lots of people who give him alms. The message of the ad is change the way how you will convince people to buy a product or service. This ad also use for charitable purposes and it will really catch attention because of the ideas and storyline. The music is appropriate to the message of the ad.

The medium of the commercial is through media. It is easily to be noticed because there are lot of people who use social media today. And this kind of ad will really become viral because of the content. 

"I've seen better days, but I've also seen worse. I don't have everything that I want, but I do have all I need. I woke up with some aches and pains, but I woke up. My life may not be perfect but I am blessed."  -Lesson Learned in Life

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Cafe Puro "NOYPI"

Client: Comfoods Agency
Agency: Image Dimension
Date: 06.24.13
Duration: 30s

Product: Cafe Puro
Director: Nui Cortes
Production house: Invasion Films
Post producer: Anna Padilla
Offline director: Ike Veneracion
Colorist: Steph Aves
Online directors: GL Leonardo/ Paolo Socco

The advertisement of Cafe Puro shows the traits of Filipinos and what makes us unique from other country. It is not just an advertisement but also a reminder about the things that we forgot from the use of "po and opo" "ate and kuya, for being hospitable, and for being a natural. This commercials don't show anything but being natural for what you are. The coffee that were advertise is compared to be a Filipino. I like this commercial because it promotes nationalism and patriotism. Most of us forget the traits of being a Filipino this commercial serves as a reminder that we should always remember that we need to love our country. I am inspired because until now my parents teach me to be respectful, loving and be a good person. The commercial taught me to be that commercial is not just to advertise the product but also it can inspire others. I believe that commercials like this are the best way to catch the viewers because aside from promoting the product it also gives things or values that are memorable. 

The techniques that used by the commercial is good because it attracts a lot of viewers by sharing some values of being a Filipino. The storyline also have an impact because it only shows the natural side of the person Lourd de Veyra. Lourd are known for adding wit in every words that he says but in the commercial he just shows the natural him. I can say that the idea was good because it attract me as a viewer. It gets attention because of the words that was understand by all Filipinos. It showcase that being a Filipino is being natural to yourself. The commercial catch the audience by heart that's why it hit and become viral.

The medium that was used is through television and internet. There will always be a big chance that a commercial will be noticed in social media because people internet is part of every people's lifestyle nowadays. 

"All I know is that I am proud to be a Filipino -Nonito Donaire"